It is a pleasure to be able to see one of my guitars again and last week Vic dropped by with his 2008
Whiteman guitar as the tuners needed some adjustments. I took the
opportunity of taking a few pictures as this guitar was really striking. The back and ribs are
beautifully patterned although for once that
isn't the main focus of attention. The top is what really catches the eye as it is covered in the most spectacular bear claw figure, which gives the most
sumptuous texture to the top. This guitar is bound in curly
koa which adds a really rich detail. This guitar is
maturing nicely which is something I
don't always get to experience. I hear the guitars when they are new, so I get to hear the potential
in them. Playing this guitar I could feel the
roundness in the notes; the filling out; the quickening of the
response. I would like to see this one again.