It's been a busy and productive week in the workshop and right at the close of play on Friday afternoon I completed the work on the headstock of Julio's guitar. I also received the tuners from Nicolo Alessi and dry fitted them for the picture. A good way to end the week. I have just checked my do do list that I made at the beginning of the week and found that I have done nothing on the list; now how can that be?

Here is the top of the same guitar in the go bar press. This is the typical Hauser/Torres 7 fan strut layout. Working on the soundboard totally absorbs me and requires full concentration. The struts that are being glued on here are all selected and split from some very old, dry blocks of European spruce. I normally spend a couple of days a year just making up sets of struts for future guitars. I like to do this as one gets really tuned into the differences in weight and stiffness of each block. I then select the set I want when I select and thickness the soundboard.