Finally word came through that Ryan's guitar has arrived safely in South Korea; that's a picture of it above. Ryan had been pipped at the post to a second hand guitar of mine but I was able to provide him with this one from 1987. It was one of the first guitars I made professionally and I used it for exhibitions and demonstrations..... I then lent it to a professional player for concert work, at the end of which it was in a used condition, so I kept it for myself. Intending to have it as my own playing guitar was a fine sentiment but within months I had used the tuners on another guitar and so it has remained unstrung for over 20 years. I'm pleased that it will now be played and enjoyed.
This week I actually heard some live guitar music. Genaro gave me a ticket to hear his friend Edoardo Catemario play in the Brighton festival at St Nicholas Church, the oldest church in Brighton. Edoardo has a fine collection of guitars and on a previous occasion I heard him play on a Simplicio. On this occasion he was playing on a new guitar imported by Paul Gregory. I loved hearing the Suite Espanola by Gaspar Sanz and it was nice to be reacquainted with the Castelnuovo Tedesco Capriccio diabolico which I hadn't heard for years.
Walking through the darkening streets of Brighton after the concert I marvelled at the exotic place that Brighton has become. I have known it all my life, but sometimes it seems like a foreign country, which I think is a good thing.
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